Foreign Tax Credit: Claiming a US Tax Credit or Deduction for ... You may claim the Foreign Tax Credit for taxes paid in a foreign country. However, you may not claim a tax credit for taxes paid on any income which has been .
Understanding tax credits vs. tax deductions - Managing Your Money Jan 27, 2012 . Can you explain the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction and how they affect a person's tax return? As most taxpayers prepare .
Tax Credit vs. Deduction Mar 19, 2007 . I could never figure out the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction. I would appreciate some clarification on this subject. Thanks.
Tax Deduction vs. Tax Credit | Tax Break: The TurboTax Blog Nov 17, 2009 . As we near the end of the year, you'll probably see a lot of websites talk about some smart year-end tax moves you should make. All of the tips .
What's the difference between tax deductions and tax credits? Tax deductions and tax credits can both reduce an individual's income tax liability , . An individual tax filer has the choice of claiming the standard deduction or .