The dynamics in requested and granted loan terms when ... - EconStor both requested and granted loan terms as well as borrower and relationship . out that both demand and supply side factors determine credit availability and loan terms (e.g. . information from multiple interactions with the same customer. . strengths of Spanish banks and firms influence credit availability thus separating .
Credit Limits - Granting Credit - How to set Credit Limits - Credit Guru Thus, the decision to communicate credit limits to your customers rests upon you. . Important factors influencing these elements will be . The length of your terms to your customer because risk is directly proportional to the length of your terms .
What Are Credit Scores, Credit Reports and How Do They Work? The resulting information is made available on request to customers of the credit . The term "credit reputation" can either be used synonymous to credit history or to credit score. . The factors which may influence a person's credit rating are: . The use of credit or identity scoring prior to authorizing access or granting credit is .
Foreign Credit Extension | MBA Knowledge Base Before looking at these factors, however, it would be well to examine closely the meaning of credit. . Under the various credit and payment terms described earlier, a buyer would receive . limit set by the line of credit that the bank has set up for each individual customer. . Conditions Influencing Foreign Credit Extension .